Announcement by OSOOL & BAKHEET Investment Company that AlMaather REIT’s annual reports, including the annual audited financial Statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2021 are available to the Public.
Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 9:25 AM
OSOOL & BAKHEET Investment Company announces that AlMaather REIT’s
Annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for
The period ended on 31/12/2021 are available to the public.
- Net assets on the end of period of 533,851,202 Saudi Riyal
- Total expenses and fees for the period 14,013,529 Saudi Riyal.
- Net profit for the period of 8,380,249 Saudi Riyal.
- Number of outstanding units at the end of period 61,370,000 units.
- Net asset value for the unit in 8.70 Saudi Riyal.
- Revenue of the period 6.15%.