Edaa Announces the Approval of International Central Securities Depositories Instructions
Thursday, May 06, 2021 at 3:33 PM
Thu May 6, 2021 15:33
The Securities Depository Centre Company (Edaa) announces the issuance of the Capital Market Authority’s Board resolution number (1-57-2021) Dated 22/9/1442H corresponding to 4/5/2021G approving the following:
The International Central Securities Depositories Instructions.
(click here)
These instructions regulate the linkage application process and its conditions, related Depository Centre accounts, and additional general provisions. Through these changes, Edaa aims to develop consistent regulatory environment with the international best practices and to raise the efficiency and attractiveness of the Capital Market towards foreign investors.
It should be noted that these instructions shall be effective on 24/9/1442H corresponding to 6/5/2021G.