OSOOL & BAKHEET Investment Company releases the annual report for (Osool and Bakheet IPO Fund) including the annual audited results for the year ended in 31/12/2020 for public
Thursday, April 08, 2021 at 5:27 PM
Osool & Bakheet Investment Company announces the annual audited funds results. Below is the summary of the annual funds results for the year ended in 31/12/2020: Net asset value at the end of year SAR 28,199,367. Total expenses & fees for the year is SAR 1,251,701. Net profit for the year is SAR 4,470,564. Number of outstanding units at the end of year 14,346,708 unit. Net Unit Value is 1.97. Revenue of the year 14.1% The annual report can be found on the following link:
OBIC: /media/11823/obic_ipo_ar_2020-04-08.pdf
Saudi Exchange: https://www.saudiexchange.sa/Resources/mfpdfs/stmt/346_1_2021-04-07_19-16-48_En.pdf